Master Pipe Industries (Pvt) Limited entered into the manufacturing field of uPVC Pipes ,PPRC Pipes & Fittings with the determination to serve the nation by providing Quality products in Mega Projects as well as small consumers. The company had established its manufacturing facility in the great Textile City of Pakistan, named as Faisalabad, famous for its Textile Products.
In addition, our company is producing uPVC Electrical Conduits for Electrical Wiring System, Soil, Waste, Vent pipes and fittings for residential houses, flats and multi-story buildings, above/under ground. Master pipes are being used in hand operated Deep Well Pumps, Tube Wells, Sanitary Plumbing, Drainage, Sewerage, Agriculture, Horticulture, Green House Irrigations, Chilled Water for Irrigation and Air conditioning.
PVC Over the last 40 years has virtually replaced many of the materials mainly steel, iron and concrete as they tend to corrode. With the introduction of PVC, most of the problems have been eliminated. Thermoplastics in general are easier to handle and transport due to light weight, in addition they have excellent properties. The environmental effects are remote, they resist to common ground salts and chemicals. In fact PVC has been proved to be one of the most versatile and economical Thermoplastic.